Common Cannabis Plant Deficiencies and How to Troubleshoot

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When it comes to cultivating cannabis, there are a plethora of factors that can affect your harvest’s quality and potency. One critical aspect often overlooked is the post-harvest curing process, particularly during curing and storage. Properly curing and storing cannabis is essential for preserving its potency, flavor and overall quality. In this guide, we will explore some common cannabis deficiencies that can arise during the curing and storage phase along with a few troubleshooting tips that can be valuable cannabis plant cures.

Cannabis Deficiencies in the Curing Process

Many marijuana plant problems can happen during the curing step in the post-harvesting process, as it is a crucial phase that allows the cannabis to develop its optimal flavor, aroma and smoothness.

Curing is what allows for the breakdown of chlorophyll and the development of complex flavors and aromas in the plant. Improper curing can result in a harsh, unpleasant smoke and a loss of desired qualities. Rushing the curing process, or not providing sufficient storage containers for the end product, can result in a less-than-ideal yield. Let’s explore some of the most common cannabis leaf deficiencies that can occur in this stage as well as cannabis plant cures:

Improper Drying

Insufficient drying time or improper drying conditions can lead to issues such as mold, mildew and a harsh taste. It’s important to dry cannabis plants slowly in a dark, well-ventilated area with moderate humidity levels.

Improper drying can lead to uneven moisture distribution within the buds, resulting in a harsh and unpleasant smoking experience. Over-drying can make the buds brittle and devoid of their natural flavors and aromas, while under-drying can leave them damp and susceptible to mold. Likewise, over-drying can also lead to cannabis leaf deficiencies such as excessive trichome loss. It’s crucial to monitor the drying process carefully and stop when the buds reach the desired moisture content.

Troubleshooting: To achieve the ideal drying process, hang your trimmed buds upside down in a dark and well-ventilated space. You can test their quality at this stage by gently snapping a small stem. If it snaps cleanly, it is ready to be trimmed and stored. If it bends, allow more drying time. Once it is ready to be stored, be sure to harvest your flower in airtight, temperature-regulated containers such as the C-Vault paired with Boveda humidity packs. Maintain control over the outcome of your hard work by storing it in stainless steel containers with elite moisture management.

Mold and Mildew

On the other end of the spectrum, one of the most common issues encountered during cannabis curing and storage is the development of mold and mildew from excessive moisture or inadequate airflow. Mildew can thrive in environments with high humidity levels and poor air circulation, and mold on pot plants can quickly develop and potentially ruin the entire crop. This poses health risks to the plant if it goes untreated for too long. Proper humidity control and good airflow are essential to preventing mold growth.

Troubleshooting: To prevent mold and mildew, ensure that your drying and curing space is well-ventilated and humidity-regulated. Additionally, proper trimming and separation of buds into stainless steel containers with humidity control technology will also help reduce the risk of mold and mildew development. Combining CVault storage with Boveda moisture packs maintains your cannabis at an ideal temperature to ensure it will not lose or gain any moisture that isn’t intended.

Light and Oxygen Exposure

Exposure to light, especially sunlight or UV rays, can degrade cannabinoids and terpenes, lead to cannabis leaf deficiencies and result in an overall loss of potency and flavor. Proper storage in opaque containers or dark places is crucial to prevent light degradation. Excessive oxygen exposure can cause your cannabis to lose its potency and develop a stale or hay-like taste.

Troubleshooting: Ensure that your curing jars and containers have a proper seal to minimize light degradation and oxygen exposure. Likewise, keep the containers in a dark place and check out the variety of CVault storage options available to maintain the perfect environment for curing your cannabis.

Cannabis Plant Cures

Ultimately, making sure you’re using proper storage containers during and after the curing process can make a huge difference in the quality of your cannabis over time. By troubleshooting common marijuana plant problems such as mold on pot plants, improper drying and excessive light exposure through proper storage options, you can all but ensure the best possible outcome.

Prevent Cannabis Deficiencies with the Best in Bud Storage

Check out CVault’s current products, all of which are made with 304 food-grade stainless steel and powered by Boveda’s two-way humidity control pack. These two-in-one personal and cultivator products let you leave the days of cannabis deficiencies behind so you can lean into maximizing your plants’ integrity throughout their lifespan.